Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A new year

My mommy and Pappa want to stop me from getting bigger

But it won't work!

This is me a year ago

And this is me now!

I'm faster

I'm smarter (thanks cousins)

And more brave than ever

This new year is going to be great.
Imagine how wild I can get in one more year.

It's going to be busy but I promise to visit all cousins, start stand up paddle boarding, swimming, playing an instrument, and of course... step up my dance moves this year.

There is no better time... Start today

Location:Gilman Ave,San Francisco,United States

Friday, December 27, 2013

City by the bay

I was sad to leave Yaya's house and my Ella and my Jojos

But it was time to hit the road, first some essentials

Then we got a move on

We stopped in some weird places

And saw some really cool stuff

We stopped at some parks...this one did not have a playground but I made the best of it

We were driving for a long time then all the sudden Momma and Pappa got very excited and said we were in California

It very nice here, lots of people say gets cold but I have seen no evidence of that

Our house is in a very different spot, last Monday there were a lot more people than I was used to seeing around it, they were all really loud and dressed in red

But the beaches here are awesome, I could play at them all day.

And there are a lot of parks, I am gonna be busy

Oh yeah and the sun sets are pretty impressive, lots of time we just go to the beach and watch it

Now that I am back to exploring on a daily basis I will try and keep everyone up to date as much as possible, as you can see there is a lot of hard work to be done


Location:Lyon St,San Francisco,United States

Saturday, December 14, 2013


After a few weeks of playing with my cousins the time has come...

I am really going to miss Ella she has been my sister at Yaya's house.

And I will need to find two boys to rough house with.

Mommy said she will try but there is no replacement for a cousin.

Most of all I will miss Yaya. My first sleepover pal. She makes me spoiled rotten.

We're headed to San Francisco.
I'm going to ride a trolley, eat adventurously, urban hike, ride a ferry, watch mommy drink wine, and more.
Stay tuned


Friday, November 22, 2013

Your the only 10 I see

Well I know it's been awhile but I needed some rest after that long drive

So here is a little of what I have been up to

I have been keeping busy like I do

Once we found some food trucks

A few days later we found more food trucks

One day we came across these doggies mama said its something that happens in the south

The leaves here are nothing like what we had in Alaska!

But who wants leaves without...



I sure have been putting the miles on those kids...

Suddenly last week it got much colder here, apparently we didn't go far enough south I will need to have words with my adults about this

But in the mean time I will just have to play inside

When you come to a fork in the road... take it.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Final days

One day shy of three weeks.
We made it to Tennessee.

A whirlwind last few days included playing with a dear friend (Marissa)

She had sisters and a bunch of cousins there too, we had a wild time but those pictures are classified

Suddenly less than 30 miles from our destination
... Wubb Wubb Wubb

Flat tire!

First and only of the trip.
Luckily my Pappa is a tire changing pro, he had lots of practice while I was mommy s belly.

But it was never 97 while doing it.

Nevertheless we made it to...




Location:McNally Dr,Nashville,United States