Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Clipper

I thought you might be bored of seeing pictures of me on a beach

This is a tour of my home. We call her Walty. She is 16 feet long and she follows us everywhere!

This is my favorite spot. I perch here to eat, watch DVDs, look outside...

We have a kitchen. (Stock photo)

My bedroom is the bottom bunk

I have fun in there.

I have a Sophie size tub.

This is Mommy and Pappas bedroom

Pappa painted all the doors with chalk board. So I can color all over the house.

And if we feel cramped we head outside to adventure.

Our front porch changes a lot. This is it for now...

Stay tuned

Location:Jap Creek,Seward,United States

1 comment:

  1. Love the painted cupboards. Just don't make me touch them. :)
